
Fans, please take note.  I will no longer be autographing set lists with a pen.  Ok?photo-1The show in Omaha went down well.  We played a good portion of the new album, some old songs, “Looking at the World Through a Windshield, and the Tupelo nugget, “Grindstone.”  The only mishap of the night involved me tripping over a bunch of guitars, spinning 360 and nearly smashing my head into a wall.

American Central Dust comes out today.  Apart from an 8 hour drive to Denver, we’re hoping to celebrate with a steak dinner.   Or maybe something at the Panera’s.


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5 responses to “Notice

  1. gonebonzo

    Try not to break the guitars. Your head, well that’s another matter.

  2. devonie

    “The only mishap of the night involved me tripping over a bunch of guitars, spinning 360 and nearly smashing my head into a wall.”

    Occupational hazard …

  3. jsac1727

    This picture clearly shows you haven’t totally abandoned your punk roots, Dave.
    Madame Joakim would be proud.
    Love the new album.

    Jon Sacco

  4. jsac1727

    Our high school French teacher back in Simsbury.

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